Physiotherapy at home Amstelveen
Dear residents of Amstelveen. Now, Fysio2You is active in your neighbourhood. You will not have to visit the physiotherapist any more. Now, the physiotherapist will come to you. With Fysio2You we are not only active within Amstedam but also outside Amsterdam. We help people who are not able to leave their home or people who prefer being treated at home. We can imagine that you are not able to visit the physiotherapist due to a busy schedule. But now we provide the solution to this problem by visiting you when it suits you.
We are equipped with a treatment table and treatment tools and materials. We will visit you by bike or by car. If you have any question, please contact us. We are here for you and try to provide the best service possible.
In Amstelveen, we are well known. Because it is close to Amsterdam and because there are many sports clubs in Amstelveen.
Book your session
There are three ways to make an appointment.